Thursday, August 31, 2006

This is me, in case you don't know...

I've had a number of people tell me that I should put a picture of myself on here... So here it is, its a bit fuzzy, and you can't quite see how long my hair is... but thats ok, you get the idea...

A Vacation of sorts

A Vacation, of sorts…

Most of my blogs have a high political content to them, and I like it that way…

But I have to blog today about the wedding, I spoke about yesterday.  I won’t be blogging until Tuesday, because I’ll be in Detroit for this wedding.  

I’m a little stressed out, being out of my office, and out of the state, for four whole days, this close to our first volunteer Canvass. I’m more stressed out that it’s a packed four day wedding, with multiple costume changes, and many more things to remember, the phone charger, the camera, the toothbrush, etc…

I’m sure it will be fun. But I’m nervous none the less. I’ll be writing when I get back on Tuesday.  I hope you all have a great Labor Day weekend.

Remember the struggle this weekend is about, workers rights, civil rights, the treatment of workers as basic human beings.

And for God’s sake, pray that I don’t screw up an outfit while packing tonight, it’s a gay wedding I can’t afford that!!!!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Til death do us part...

Until Death do us part…

“You are cordially invited to what should be the wedding of, but due to restrictions in Michigan State and Federal laws, is the commitment ceremony of…”

This was the opening of the invitation. And I was hit in the face. Years I’ve been working around this issue and I’m not sure its ever hit me this personally.

I’ve, in fact spent a great deal of time telling people not to talk about this issue, not to worry about it, and to let it become less divisive before we bring it up again. Well that’s obviously not working anymore.
OK, so you’re reading this and thinking, I don’t know what the hell he is talking about.
Marriage, between two people of the same sex.  

I’ve known them for about a year, as a couple, and at the very least, known Alexis for three years.  They are a model couple in my eyes in so many ways. There are other ways they aren’t a model couple, but hey, my parents are that way too.
These two women are clearly, abashedly, and without doubt in love with each other.  They clearly want to spend the rest of their lives together.  They are, as you read this, going through second thoughts, and stress, but hey the wedding is this weekend, who wouldn’t?
They take care of each other, they forgive each other, they discuss problems and find resolutions. Beth yells at Alexis for spending too much money on shoes. Alexis can’t convince Beth to get a manicure, (though undoubtedly she will because that’s what happens)

I don’t understand why this is such a big issue for so many people. Marriage is sacred, Marriage is about undying, unconditional love, Marriage is about trust, faith, and respect. Why wouldn’t we want to extend this to everyone, absolutely everyone, who was genuinely interested.  What is it that these Right wing fundamentalists are afraid of?
I realize that no one reading this blog is likely to feel differently than I. But still this is ridiculous.

Maggie and Allan are getting married this spring. They are, I’m sure, not at all worried about the future of their Marriage, with respect to gay people having the same right.  But contrast my Parents, (my mother, and stepfather) have been together since I was a baby, and they are actually not married. They, however, aren’t at all worried about the impact on their ability to raise their daughter. They aren’t, I guarantee you, taking time out of their work filled day, and chore filled evenings, and remodeling the home weekends, to think about how horrible it might be if their only son had the right to marry the man of his dreams. I just don’t get it.

All I can say about this is, that quite frankly, I believe that politically it is the right thing to do, not to fight for marriage rights right now.  Politically, it kills democrats, and they are our only allies on this issue, the few of them that we have.

But I think there are now, and have been, many other avenues for social change, than strictly political action. So where are the queers that are dying to get Married? Where are the single queers who want someday to have the option for the same relationship situation that their parents had?

Why aren’t we all rioting in the streets? Why aren’t we boycotting all weddings until we have the right? If everyone who was queer, had nothing to do with a wedding of straight people until they had that right themselves, think of the numbers of people we would have, being reminded of the issue…

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Marty for Governor

The journal today reports Marty Chavez told a group of animal rights advocates at a conference that the governor needed to take a position against cockfighting if he wanted to be president. Our first reaction among friends was, the Governor should pay him for that token of political consulting advice.

It’s a good thing our great mayor of Albuquerque knows how to get elected president. Why didn’t John Kerry hire him in 2004? Hmmm…

A week ago he was ranting and raving at Judy Espinosa about parking near a non working fire hydrant. He said it was insulting to the community if they should have a fire and her parking job in the Lt. Gov’s SUV prevented a fire truck from reaching the hydrant.

The week before, he was yelling at the Lt. Governor in a Nana Booboo sort of way, telling her to keep her noise out of city business. Is that the same as saying “you’re not the boss of Albuquerque ordinances?”

So I was putting this all together in my head, though I’m sure others are making the same speculation. Is someone gearing up for a bid against Diane for Governor? I think so…

I’m sure that Diane’s record of service to the Democratic Party, and the State will carry her through that primary, plus the huge base of support (including all my friends) that she has built up. I’m not sure Marty has that many people who like him. But lets look at his credentials as a democrat for a minute.

He ran for Mayor against opposition who had support from Labor, Environmental Organizations, Indigenous Groups, and many many more…
So how is it that, a man who’s only Democratic Credentials are his party Identification thinks he’s going to beat the former State Party Chair and incredibly progressive advocate, working diligently on important Democratic issues. She has advocated for healthcare, and worked hard for a living wage, she has stood strong for a Woman’s right to choose, and believes in civil rights for all New Mexicans and Americans.

Marty Chavez said at a fundraiser once, “if they changed their position on abortion and gay marriage I’d become a Republican.”
I don’t like democrats like this, a Woman’s Right to Choose is my most passionate and important issue, and Gay rights affect me directly. But what about the issues that affect a majority of the state and city? As mayor he opposed a living wage in Albuquerque and held it up, because of his connections to the big business community. What about the fact that he isn’t interested in preserving cultural heritage all over the city, but rather in Gentrifying Albuquerque so we don’t have barrios anymore? What about the river that he has allowed to be drained along with our Aquifer in order to build build build Albuquerque, we’re practically the new Phoenix…

All I can say is my passion about supporting Diane is equal in volume to my passion about getting Marty Chavez out of elected office.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Drop out Jeff

Sexual Violence Accused; Throw in the Towel…

Joe Monahan Broke the stories weeks ago and the Tribune picked it up this past weekend. Privy to more rumors than most, I had an idea of what it was before the tribune hit, but said nothing until serious charges could be made.  Now they have. It doesn’t matter if he is guilty or not, in fact it doesn’t matter if criminal charges are ever filed.  Jeff Armijo needs to withdraw his name from the race for State Auditor.  The Democratic Party can’t afford the demographic nightmare.  
This is a majority minority state, and though we for the most part get along really well, many people believe we are on the brink of major race relations disasters soon. This will only add to it. Jeff is another Hispanic Democratic Man, (Robert Vigil, Michael Montoya) to be charged with some ethical violations.  This just means that the state is going to continue to see Hispanic men, and in politics, Democratic ones as bad guys without much provocation.  

I like Jeff Armijo, he is a nice guy, and I’m sure he’d be a fine State Auditor. But this is no longer about him, it’s about the Party. It’s about the State.
Jeff Armijo, you’re a great guy, and maybe someday you’ll make an amazing elected official. But in the meantime, do what is best for the Party, and withdraw your name.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Petty City Politician

There are a few points that need to be brought to the public’s attention with regard to recent events involving Mayor Chavez, Lt. Governor Diane Denish, and Judy Espinosa.

On Monday, August 21, 2006 there was a community meeting held in Martinez-town to discuss issues important to the residents, with Lt. Governor Denish.  Apparently, during this meeting Judith Espinoza, past Mayoral hopeful and current Chief of Staff to Lt. Governor Denish, parked the Lt. Governor’s SUV near a fire hydrant.  This seemed to have been of such importance that the fire Chief for the City of Albuquerque even came out to lecture Ms. Espinosa about this minor incident.  I have a few questions to ask about this situation.
First of all, was there nothing else for the Fire Chief to be doing with his time rather than lecturing Ms. Espinosa about her parking? Does the City fire Chief come out every time that someone parks near a fire hydrant? Or was this a special case, given the Mayor’s current feud with the Lt. Governor, and obvious bad blood for Judith because she had the guts to run against him in his past election?  It would be no surprise that the Mayor would go out of his way to cause trouble for both of these women.  He is obviously an incredibly petty and arrogant politician. Asserting his arrogant authority issues, he actually told the Lt. Governor to “keep her nose out of the city’s business,” forgetting that the Lt. Governor is actually a member of state government that has jurisdiction over the entire state. Furthermore, she was simply asking the City Councilors to hold off the vote until after a statewide conference on the issue, which is very appropriate, to maintain civil liberties, and create uniform statutes around the state for the safety of all our residents.
Furthermore, I understood that as a resident of the city of Albuquerque, elected or not, the Lt. Governor was well within her rights to call any elected official in the City and make any request of them she feels necessary. Will the Mayor ask me to keep my nose out of City business when I ask my councilor and others on the council to fix the problem of, say a non working fire hydrant in my neighborhood?
This brings me to my next point in this debacle of ego and pettiness.  The Fire Hydrant Ms. Espinosa parked near was a non working Fire hydrant. I may be mistaken, but last time I checked (though I’m no expert on fire Hydrants) when a working Fire Hydrant is missing a cap on the side pointing pipe, there is water spraying out and a small group of children running through it on a hot summer day. I have seen the fire hydrant first hand, (and also have pictures) it is clearly missing a cap, but has no water spraying forth. So I ask Mayor Marty, and the press, which is a worse insult to the resident of Martinez-Town?  Having an SUV accidentally parked near a non working fire hydrant, or having a non working Fire Hydrant near and important building such the House of Neighborly Services?
So what is more important to the Mayor of Albuquerque, getting a tiny bit of revenge in the press on our Lt. Governor who only was looking out for the residents of our city and state? Or maybe its sending the fire chief to the scene of what was clearly not a serious violation to lecture the woman who stood up and put forth her name to serve her city as Mayor. Maybe instead of calling names, playing games, and striving for potshots in the press, the Mayor ought to be having his own meetings with the residents of Martinez-town to find out what needs they have as a community. Maybe he ought to be making sure the fire hydrant in the neighborhood actually works, should, God forbid, a fire happen nearby.   What I really wonder is, will we get answers or responses for any of these questions? Or will we get the usual, petty, childish commentary this mayor is known for?

Friday, August 04, 2006

A few things...

Well my hopes for this post are that it is short, but potent.  I also hope a certain group of people are reading this…

It’s been a hell of a week for me; I’ll just get this out of the way. I’m going home for the weekend, I need it. My mother had surgery this weekend, and she is just barely moving around and getting better. Everything will be ok but it was an emergency surgery and I’ve been sick that I’m not with her.  My apartment flooded Monday evening, four inches of water in the entire apartment. Talk about a pain in the…  But more importantly…

There was a Hate Crime this weekend.  This is the third time this has happened in just over a year in New Mexico. What is happening? Why are we allowing this symptom of injustice to continue plaguing our culture?  The things that come to mind when I think about this:

  1. “People care about gas prices, they don’t care about this sort of thing.” This is something someone said to me recently with respect to bringing this up on a campaign. Well here is the deal, at some point we have to hold our candidates and elected officials to a higher standard. I expect candidates who are “gay friendly” to make statements about this.  If this isn’t on the public agenda then they should put it there as leaders.

  1. Specifically, I expect Patricia Madrid to make a statement about this. Heather Wilson has voted against federal hate crime act every time it comes up for a vote.  Hate Crimes are serious, and I liken them to September 11th. Why was it such a big deal? Because it wasn’t just 3000 people dying in a plane crash, it was an attack on “all things American, freedom, culture, society, democracy.”  Well kidnapping and 18 year old gay man and beating him repeatedly for hours on end is the same thing. It’s an attack on a culture, a community, on me!

  1. When will my community start throwing things, and yelling about this sort of thing?

There is so much more I could say, but I needed to get those three thigns out.
And I have to say, if Patricia Madrid continues to expect help and support from the Queer Community, she better start talking about our issues.  We have three options, and candidates always forget this: Support Her, Support Heather, or Support No One. Well I’m not going to support Heather, and because it’s me, I won’t support No One, but most queer folk aren’t me. They’ll support No One over her.
Maybe she’ll get the message, I hope so.  I’d hate to see her lose out on the support she could be getting from Queer people.