Friday, August 04, 2006

A few things...

Well my hopes for this post are that it is short, but potent.  I also hope a certain group of people are reading this…

It’s been a hell of a week for me; I’ll just get this out of the way. I’m going home for the weekend, I need it. My mother had surgery this weekend, and she is just barely moving around and getting better. Everything will be ok but it was an emergency surgery and I’ve been sick that I’m not with her.  My apartment flooded Monday evening, four inches of water in the entire apartment. Talk about a pain in the…  But more importantly…

There was a Hate Crime this weekend.  This is the third time this has happened in just over a year in New Mexico. What is happening? Why are we allowing this symptom of injustice to continue plaguing our culture?  The things that come to mind when I think about this:

  1. “People care about gas prices, they don’t care about this sort of thing.” This is something someone said to me recently with respect to bringing this up on a campaign. Well here is the deal, at some point we have to hold our candidates and elected officials to a higher standard. I expect candidates who are “gay friendly” to make statements about this.  If this isn’t on the public agenda then they should put it there as leaders.

  1. Specifically, I expect Patricia Madrid to make a statement about this. Heather Wilson has voted against federal hate crime act every time it comes up for a vote.  Hate Crimes are serious, and I liken them to September 11th. Why was it such a big deal? Because it wasn’t just 3000 people dying in a plane crash, it was an attack on “all things American, freedom, culture, society, democracy.”  Well kidnapping and 18 year old gay man and beating him repeatedly for hours on end is the same thing. It’s an attack on a culture, a community, on me!

  1. When will my community start throwing things, and yelling about this sort of thing?

There is so much more I could say, but I needed to get those three thigns out.
And I have to say, if Patricia Madrid continues to expect help and support from the Queer Community, she better start talking about our issues.  We have three options, and candidates always forget this: Support Her, Support Heather, or Support No One. Well I’m not going to support Heather, and because it’s me, I won’t support No One, but most queer folk aren’t me. They’ll support No One over her.
Maybe she’ll get the message, I hope so.  I’d hate to see her lose out on the support she could be getting from Queer people.


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