Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Til death do us part...

Until Death do us part…

“You are cordially invited to what should be the wedding of, but due to restrictions in Michigan State and Federal laws, is the commitment ceremony of…”

This was the opening of the invitation. And I was hit in the face. Years I’ve been working around this issue and I’m not sure its ever hit me this personally.

I’ve, in fact spent a great deal of time telling people not to talk about this issue, not to worry about it, and to let it become less divisive before we bring it up again. Well that’s obviously not working anymore.
OK, so you’re reading this and thinking, I don’t know what the hell he is talking about.
Marriage, between two people of the same sex.  

I’ve known them for about a year, as a couple, and at the very least, known Alexis for three years.  They are a model couple in my eyes in so many ways. There are other ways they aren’t a model couple, but hey, my parents are that way too.
These two women are clearly, abashedly, and without doubt in love with each other.  They clearly want to spend the rest of their lives together.  They are, as you read this, going through second thoughts, and stress, but hey the wedding is this weekend, who wouldn’t?
They take care of each other, they forgive each other, they discuss problems and find resolutions. Beth yells at Alexis for spending too much money on shoes. Alexis can’t convince Beth to get a manicure, (though undoubtedly she will because that’s what happens)

I don’t understand why this is such a big issue for so many people. Marriage is sacred, Marriage is about undying, unconditional love, Marriage is about trust, faith, and respect. Why wouldn’t we want to extend this to everyone, absolutely everyone, who was genuinely interested.  What is it that these Right wing fundamentalists are afraid of?
I realize that no one reading this blog is likely to feel differently than I. But still this is ridiculous.

Maggie and Allan are getting married this spring. They are, I’m sure, not at all worried about the future of their Marriage, with respect to gay people having the same right.  But contrast my Parents, (my mother, and stepfather) have been together since I was a baby, and they are actually not married. They, however, aren’t at all worried about the impact on their ability to raise their daughter. They aren’t, I guarantee you, taking time out of their work filled day, and chore filled evenings, and remodeling the home weekends, to think about how horrible it might be if their only son had the right to marry the man of his dreams. I just don’t get it.

All I can say about this is, that quite frankly, I believe that politically it is the right thing to do, not to fight for marriage rights right now.  Politically, it kills democrats, and they are our only allies on this issue, the few of them that we have.

But I think there are now, and have been, many other avenues for social change, than strictly political action. So where are the queers that are dying to get Married? Where are the single queers who want someday to have the option for the same relationship situation that their parents had?

Why aren’t we all rioting in the streets? Why aren’t we boycotting all weddings until we have the right? If everyone who was queer, had nothing to do with a wedding of straight people until they had that right themselves, think of the numbers of people we would have, being reminded of the issue…


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