Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I’ve never liked puzzles.
I hate them.  My grandmother loves jigsaw puzzles and crosswords a little bit.  I remember being tested for IQ/gifted level education when I was really young.  Part of the test was a jigsaw puzzle, of a human face. The test proctor told me to pretend it was my best friend (something I did not have at the time actually) and that I had 30 seconds to put his face together. It was probably 5 pieces.  I’m pretty sure my IQ is much higher than I tested, because I already didn’t want to do the puzzle and I told him so and then he kept telling me try because my friends life depended on it (I had made up the name Tim for this best friend…)and it just frustrated me and angered me. 

This dislike of puzzles has always followed me.  But more than putting one together, I dislike not knowing what the finished product looks like.  Not having the solutions to problems, questions or issues is something I’ve never been able to handle well.  It’s incredibly frustrating to be honest.
So here I am. Sitting here wondering what the missing pieces of the puzzle are telling me, and how to put it together.  With a jigsaw puzzle, you get a picture to go off of. You the end result is a mountain chain, a bridge in Madison County, the whole collection of Disney Princesses or if you are really adventurous some collage of Picaso artwork (hopefully you know why this would be an extremely adventurous puzzle…)  but I don’t have a picture to guide me.  I dunno if the end product is a bleeding Sacred Heart, or a glorious sunrise with birds and imaginary musical notes floating through the air…
I’ve got these smaller pieces floating around on my table, and my usual trick isn’t working. In the past, with puzzles I can’t put together I’ve been able to feel the pieces, and gather the energy from them. They come together well when they need to, when the puzzle is important.  So what kind of horrible fucked up puzzle did you leave me with? 
You’re still leaving those pieces lying around, or you left them long ago, I see them when I walk into a room, I get them in my dreams, lat week there was one in the drawer when I reached for a new color of sewing thread. 
I don’t like puzzles.
And much like this puzzle that had no end in sight, these feelings are unfinished, unclear, and this writing is, unlike the rest, unfinished… 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Dancing in the darkness

It was like finding a piece of furniture in the dark
That initial pain-then recognition of what had happened…

But reaching for the light, you stopped me. 
You begged-promised it wouldn’t’ hurt again if I left the light off.
So I fought you, and struggled
Wrestling with you, with demons-with furniture in the dark I struggled for the light.

Too many bruises, too much pain – I’ve bled too much that way – I said.
Don’t be scared, you said.  And I tried…
But with a fear so deeply rooted, it kept finding me again. 

The fight was exhilarating, and when I finally submitted-something incredibly difficult for me to do – giving up on the light, releasing to the darkness and the dance, you pulled me closer than I’ve ever been.

I can still hear that whisper in my ear- I won’t let you hurt_ you said
I can still feel the air whirling around the room from the spinning, the excitement, the joy, the freedom of dancing in the darkness!

We danced through that darkened room, you held me close, and we guided each other around obstacle after obstacle. Things that should have hurt, things that barely missed us, but we succeeded, we navigated that room with all the love and joy and freedom we needed, we danced in the darkness-it was breathtaking, beautiful and strong.

The beauty was short lived, and I had no idea what you were doing.
You broke my trust, and you just let go.
No warning, no heads up, no movement in the dance that indicated, and I flew – blindly- wildly – quickly
The chair, the table, the couch, the wall, they all felt like baseball bats being swung at me, full force!
I hit the ground, broken, immobile, and bleeding, scars ripped open, new wounds gaping…

You laughed while I cried…

You walked away while I bled…

That’s how it ended, for you… that image, that memory, or maybe you didn’t even bother with that much…

But you broke that promise and let me with the pain…
I regret very little in my life, but this is one dance I wish I had never had…

Friday, January 11, 2013

Attempting Great Writing

I started reading a new blog recently.  Well, I’m not sure if I said that accurately at all. I recently stumbled upon a returning blogger to my favorite clearing-house of blogs, Poz.Com blogs.  When I read his “I’m back-ish” post, I decided to go back and read what he had written before.  And I fell in love. Not with him, though his picture is incredibly attractive, he is taken, a top and lives thousands of miles away; but with his writing.

My best friend is a dancer, was a dancer, dances still occasionally, and often.  I told him to think of the one video clip he saw, one time, after he quit dancing in a studio, the one video that made him want to dance. Not just, oh I want to dance. But that feeling of NEEDING to dance.  The feeling that your muscles were going to start moving without you, you could feel the studio floor under your feet, you could imagine the feeling of losing your breath as you leap, needing to dance.  That is how this bloggers writing makes me feel!  I want to write like that, I need to write again, like that.  I always had these dreams, as a child and even young adult, that one day on a shelf in a bookstore would appear a book with my name on it.  I dunno what it would be about 9i’ve begun an autobiography which is highly narcissistic, and probably boring as hell- as well as a fictional book of memoirs and vignettes involving an airplane, one seat and about 20 travelers) but I know that I like to write and I want people to read what I write.!  I started writing about HIV, because it matters to me, I feel strongly about it, I understand it, and I think there are many people who read my writing, or would read my writing who wouldn’t know the things I talk about in my writing, otherwise. But I’m not sure if that is the right the direction to go. I’m not HIV+ (I think I’ve said that before but people still talk about it as if I were, which doesn’t bother me but baffles me), and so I’m not a healthcare expert, I don’t have the personal perspectives, why should I be trusted to write about such a topic?   I’ve considered trying to write fiction, but I just don’t’ have enough creativity and lasting creativity at that to write amazing page turning fiction, unless it’s realistic, and even then I run dry.  So what’s my problem? And, why in the word would I want so badly to be a great writer, when I have no real passion for any particular topic of writing? Can I just write for the sake of writing? I guess, but what will come of it?
Let’s see….

In the meanwhile one of the posts of this Blogger (http://blogs.poz.com/jayvithalani/) wrote before quitting then starting up again was an alphabeticalist.  Best as I can tell he wren through the alphabet, and for each letter assigned a word that connected to him, memories, characteristics, opinions, what not and then wrote a short blurb about them all.  Maybe that is a good place to start… Here goes…

A.  A- Type Personality – exactly what I am. Something I struggle with regularly.  On the one hand I feel like I am often too manipulative, too controlling, too much of a planner and way to extroverted for the comfort of others. On the other hand I think the world needs leaders, we as queer people need leaders, even social groups need leaders, and someone has to step up to the plate, why not me? (Though most of my friends these days are Drag Queens, in which case there are too many people stepping up to the plate to be leaders, not enough worker bees-but that’s probably a blog for another day)
B. Boy – terminology often used in opposite of girl, or in my case, gurl... Gender issues abound. I’m not a Man, in the sense of the word that my father’s generation thinks of men, not in the slightest. But I see “Boy” differently.  As opposed to Man. Boy means childhood to me. And I think I am stuck in between the two. As I approach 30 years old, I like to think I’m growing up. I, for the most part, take care of my own financial obligations, I only occasionally call my mama for advice(most people do this their entire lives - I tell myself) and I put myself to bed at the right times and bathe regularly and even cook my own dinner. But I don’t *feel* like a grownup necessarily. I never quite feel like I’m there yet. I’m told as a Leo that I will feel more in tune with myself in my 30s than any other time in my life. I hope this is true.  For now, “boy” really is a word I understand as applied to me. Except the penis part. That I get. And I plan to keep. 
C. Change –it’s a process, right?  I like to think life is a process, that there is nothing consistent about it, except that it is always evolving.  I never thought I would change my mind about gun control, abortion, or the death penalty. I have, many many times.  Maybe I will change my mind about being a writer.  Right now, I wish I could change my clothes, these jeans are not comfortable today (it’s Friday, casual day at work)
D. dignity – something that I think we give other people, or should give to others. When I think of dignity, I think of the people who are working the hardest, grossest, least wanted jobs in the world, which we as a society tend to look down upon. I think of the elderly, the homeless, the terminally ill, who deserve to die with it.  On their terms, with their own conditions, or live with it, with their conditions.  Meaning don’t pity them, to tell them what is going to be best for them, but rather tell them  that we will be there to support them in their endeavors and help them reach justice and peace.  I think dignity I think immigrants, Women facing reproductive healthcare decisions, GLBT couples, convicted death row inmates, and many, many more…
E.  Eggs - Random I realize, but I think of Eggs.  They gross me out to look at, and the thought of what they are makes me a little bit queasy, however one well friend, with a little cheese and red chile and I’m in heaven.  One of only thousands of random contradictions I face on a daily basis, I hate the thought of them but love to eat them. Also, cooking with them can fun! I hear there is an entire semester at most culinary arts schools dedicated to the ways to prepare them.  (I won’t eat them in anyway shape or form if they are less than totally cooked all the way through!)
F. Formal wear – The type of clothing I like most, both to see on other people as well as to wear myself, in and out of drag.
G. Goddess -  My preferred terminology, most of the time, for the Universe or that supernatural, omniscient, omnipotent being that is the creator, maintenance keeping, being that runs the show.  I can’t think of other ways to describe The Goddess in my view, except to say that it is my preferred terminology because I associate women with nurturing, caring, helpful and loving beings, and my idea is that the spirit world is all of that, and then much more!
H. Humming - something I never did much as a kid, nor did it carry on into my “adult” life (see boy earlier)
I. Interviews – Something I’ve always thought I would be good at, a la Oprah or Barbara Walters (but I would do my own research and not be a chick when I did it.  I have always had this dream project for School, if I were to go back, for an independent study, where I interview all the female elected officials in NM and get to the root of what motivates women to run for office, so that I can help come up with better ways to recruit new ones!
J. Just Because – My favorite reason to give a person a gift!
K. Kaleidoscope – Something that as a child, I would look through for roughly 3 seconds before becoming bored and wanting to  see the real world around me instead.  A good indicator of how I struggle to be a childish adult versus and overgrown child… Make sense?  To me either. Sorry…
L. LaRhya – My drag Name, but more important the middle name of my favorite nice in the world, whom I adore!
M. Mama – My best friend. My Rock. My soul keeper and watcher. The closest relationship I have ever had is my mother.  We share a birthday, share a personality, and often times share all the complications that go along with being so close to someone so stubborn, so loving, and no helpful…
N. NO – A word I rarely use anymore, when asked for something. In fact I can only think of two or three things in the last year… (no. you don’t’ get to know what they were)
O. Overbearing – something I was told my personality and method of interacting was for years. As a result I frequently sit quietly in the corner instead of being in the front of the group. I didn’t like being told I’m overbearing.
P. Preach – something I think I would be good at, if I could do so from my very random and eclectic spiritual journey, mostly about ethics versus morals, etc…  Also, something I get accused of doing already, too often.
Q. Queer - My preference over the word Gay.  Gay isn’t broad enough for me; I think it doesn’t describe who I am the way Queer does. I also feel that was about “Hispanic”, “Male”, or “smart”.  I like “Chicano, Bio-Male and Intelligent or Well Educated.”
R. RED – My favorite color. The color of Blood, fire, life, love, AIDS Awareness, and all the energies and things with which I like to identify. 
S. SEX – Something I love. Something I like to discuss, learn about, explore, be in tune with, have, tease about and dream about.  In another life I would’ve been a sex worker (prostitute is a word I don’t like) or sex therapist. I would love to be the 90 year old gay man version of Dr Ruth to American society.  Not likely, but would be fun!
T. Top – See above. Add this to list of identifiers. Enough said.
U. Understanding – something I seek to find with every relationship I have, be it romantic, familial, client/patient-provider, platonic, or any mixing of the above. I like to strive for understanding among all of my fellow human beings, though it can be difficult at time, more in some times than in others.  Understanding is also something I strive for in my writing, in communication, not just about the perspective of others and their experiences or beliefs, but also in the plain speaking way as well. I hate for my writing to be misunderstood, or for the conversation I’m having to be unclear, so I often am accused of verbosity because of my desire to constantly reach toward mutual understanding. (Case in point)
V. Victory – aside from being the newly adopted drag name of a very good friend of mine, this is something try to find in my days every day.  As someone who battles SADD (depression in the winter time due to less sunlight, warmth and hibernation feelings added to loneliness) as well as who has battled a lower level of loneliness and depression my entire life, I try to see the victories in everyday, to remind myself that I am able, surviving, living thriving in my own way and it is not that bad.  yesterday’s victory was that after I went home instead of crawling into bed with a bag of chips and a movie, I cleaned, cooked, baked, and got some wigs styled! Little things! Also I survived another day without crying over what I think is the loss of my lover, a man I feel a love I have never felt before…  Day 2 of no tears was nice, but I’ll break down tonight I’m sure. The Victory will be in getting it together and having the energy to cry again.
W.  What’s next? – The catch-phrase for my favorite fictional character on TV, well ok one of them. I am a huge West Wing fan and President Bartlett often, when he is done with something or over the energy of something, or just in general ready to get fired up asks “what’s next?”  I would like to be him someday, not an actor in a TV show about The White House, but rather the kind of person who doesn’t beat something to death simply says, ok I’m over it, what’s next?
X. What the hell starts with an “X”? 
Y. Youth – The one thing I feel fleeting from my body on a daily basis.
Z. Zenith – the image of a logo for a brand of Television from my childhood, ingrained in my head. 

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Bad Advice

No one can make you feel anything you don’t choose to feel. 

I have heard this repeatedly for most of my adolescent and adult life.  It’s a part of the summary of “The Four Agreements” Which I dislike by the way.  It’s the advice of “gurus” like Maya Angelou, and others.  It is often repeated by Oprah, and Dr Phil as well as a good portion of the mentors and friends that I look up to, or look to for support and advice. 

I understand the sentiment in this statement, this idea. I don’t necessarily think it is ever said with malice, in fact that it is said to help people understand that they are relinquishing power to others when they allow themselves to feel a certain way, as a result of something that is said or done by someone else.

I do, however, think it is among the most irresponsible and inaccurate bit of advice regarding individuals and the way we live our lives.  I think it is dangerous, and callous and selfish way to look at life, and I think it is contributing to a way of thinking that is destroying the moral character of the universe.

Now before it sounds like I’m some right-wing preacher, going on about the degradation of society and what not, I have a different idea of morality than many I realize…

I am an incredibly faithful and spiritual person. In fact I have so much faith and spirituality that One Religion cannot contain it all and I have to practice many of them.  (If you are opposed to religion in anyway, then this is a good place to stop reading, nothing from here on out will change your mind or make any sense to you.  Also, let me just clarify once again, that militant atheists are incredibly annoying and I’d like not to have a conversation about why I should stop practicing religion or being faithful, keep it to yourself)

My faith tells me that this universe is all connected.  You may believe in God, the Father the creator of all things, heavenly and earthly, etc… Or the Goddess, who is and makes up all things from the water in the ocean to the tiny cactus struggling to survive in the dessert.  It is my belief that all Religions lend themselves to the concept of a connected universe.  In fact, even Star Wars says this to be true, with use of The Force, it is a demonstration of the connectedness of the universe. 

So if there is this connectedness, then it stands to reason that the things we say, do and even feel are actually incredibly powerful and have major impact on those around us.  I worked for an environmental organization during the presidential election of 2004.  And we had a guest volunteer come and speak to us, one day about the spirituality of the environment.  A Catholic nun, mind you, was talking to us about the ability of humans to affect the universe around us and the life properties of physical objects.  There had been a study in Japan, of ways to clean and purify the water that had been impacted by the Atomic Bombs.  (The radioactive properties in the water are still heavily present and still contributing to the cancer rates of the Japanese people over 60 years later.) One of things that was found was that singing to the water, physically singing out loud to the water or playing recording of human voices singing, began to change the properties in the water so that it could start the process of cleansing and purifying itself on a molecular level.  That is to say that the Water was reacting to the voice of a human, and healing itself.

 Is that a little too hippie for you? Probably. But that’s ok, I’m the guy who still asks permission of the Earth before picking a flower or cutting a plant, and says thank you for the blessing of the life force of living things. 
So It stands to reason, for me, that if Water can heal from the power of a human voice why then, would the power of human voices not have the power to hurt as well?

Yes, if someone says you are fat and ugly, and you let it bother you for a long time you are in fact, allowing that to happen. And I am not saying that we can blame all of our emotions on someone else.  That’s not true, we can be hurt or angry but we have to learn how to control the way we deal with those emotions after the fact.   But what I am saying is if I tell you something, with malice, or worse, with disregard for your feelings, I am hurting you. You are going to be hurt.  It might not cripple you, and maybe if you spend all day crying in bed, then you are allowing it to hurt you more than necessary. But the sting is always there. 

Why is this so important to me? Well because I think the world has become more callous, self absorbed, and immoral than it was in the past, (given my tiny fragment of perspective) and that this is degradation of the universe happening.

I believe fully that our intentions and the energy we put out into the universe comes back to us! I hear this all the time from my friends, and family, even those who tell me that whole line about others not making us feel a certain way.  So if putting positive thoughts out there will reap positive benefits. And if our intentions with an individual or a situation make it better or worse,  if thinking positively can keep us from becoming ill or catching a cold, then why can our words and the energy we put behind them not have the same affects on another person?

I end with this thought:
The Ancient Egyptians believed that words contained all the Magic and energy in the universe.  They believed words to be the powerful force in existence.  They believed that their Gods, their deities had secret names and that if you wanted to harm or kill a living Deity you merely had to find a way to acquire their secret name, or that of any person for that matter.  That merely using the word Ma’at, or “Order” would help to create order in the world, and fight the chaos that was considered so dangerous in their world.  If the power of one word is ultimate, can control the Gods and change the universe, then why can’t we be slightly more mindful of our words and their intentions, and realize, that we can in fact make someone feel a certain way?  It only makes sense to me. And besides, even if we can’t shouldn’t we live as if we can?