Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Poetry, Education and Debbie-Downers...

So I haven't written in a while...
I started watching Slam Poetry today, thanks to a link posted on my fish-hooks Facebook page.
I came across this video: .
It spoke to my heart. I've been growing more and more frustrated lately. I feel dumb and ignorant again. I am a well educated, well spoken individual. I have an amazing use of the English language, and I speak and write with great grammar. But this world demands less of me. I have to simplify my vocabulary and speech patterns to accommodate those around me. I don't know hwat to do about this, It opens for me a huge dilemma: Do I communicate poorly with people, in order to be understood? Or do I communicate poorly with people, in order to be true to who I am, knowing they will not understand me. As they are both, poor communication. *ponder*

I have decided to try writing more poetry again. I wrote some a couple weeks back, the inspiration was running high. I'm hoping I can get that back again. I think that not reading as much, and then not writing as a result are the leading factors in my feeling so dumb lately. If any of my readers (all three of you) have particularly good poetry to share for inspiration, please let me know.

As for Debbie-Downers...

I was recently accused of being a Debbie-Downer in my Facebook statuses. I laughed a bit, and then ignored the comment. But I thought about it a bit more. Isn't life sadness and happiness? Isn't life about the ups and downs? I don't want to read all the happiness on my friends pages, or in their lives via email or postcard for that matter... I think it would be unfair to depict a life of only good news and happiness, right? Especially on Facebook, where friends of mine from all over the world are looking to see whats going on in my life?


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