Monday, February 21, 2011


I sleep clothed in your memories
I wake in the tears of your abandonment
I walk daily in the web of love you wove for me
I fall nightly in the betrayal you taught me
I rise with the sun in the confidence you gave me
I fall in the light of the moon in the hole you dug for me
I cry to the stars for what i wish you'd been for me
I pray to the bright blue sky for the strength to move beyond the you, for me
I live with me everyday of my life
to live without you, is my hardest strife
i lift my head more and more each day
for healing, happiness, health and love, for us both-i will continue to pray
You did not break me
I am still here
and i feel your passion, even though you're nowhere near
My life will be long, for my soul it is strong
Though I try to blame you, you have done no wrong...
The love you gave was the ultimate prize
but i am still not prepared to see, so I won't open my eyes
You had me figured out, so this is no surprise
please don't hate me for what I couldn't do
but most of all, just know I still love you...


Blogger Peter Varvel said...

Thank you for this.
Man, I have been there! Given a choice, I would rather have not gone through it all. But I can't deny the stronger person that it eventually helped me to become (there was no other choice but to become stronger or perish emotionally from the experience), and for that I am grateful.

10:03 PM  

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