The Arrogant Atheist
Many people know that I am Catholic. That is an easily
summarized slightly watered down description of my Faith, my personal
spirituality is much more complicated than that. But suffice it to say, to the general public
who are not practitioners of any older faiths, this is good enough.
I chose to become Catholic, by the way. For the most part, my dads family wasn’t one
I spent much time around, so though they are Catholic, or were when I was
growing up, I didn’t get it from them.
My mother’s family didn’t’ attend any church, though we had strong
Judeo-Christian beliefs in our family and home, we weren’t church going people.
I personally, and without real influence from others, was
called to find a place to strengthen my connection to a spiritual force I felt
but hadn’t’ quite identified. I checked
out many churches and religions, and while taking a bit of my faith and
understanding from each one I researched, I found myself feeling quite at home
with Catholic Mass and the Church.
Obviously I have my issues with the Church. I do not like its subjugation of women, or
its oppression of homosexuals. I dislike its anti-sex position overall, and
many other political things. I also like a lot of political things about the
church. The church calls us to protect
our earth and environment, to feed the poor, to house the homeless, and many
other things. Not all Catholics are
steadfast in these beliefs, I get that.
Not all of us are steadfast in our beliefs about women or gays. It happens.
Call me a cafeteria catholic, if you like; I know my relationship with
God is strong.
This, however, is nothing compared to what has been upsetting
me most, recently.
The arrogance of SOME atheists. Let me say, first and foremost, that I am not
referring all atheists. I know plenty
who respect my faith, encourage it, I even have an atheist friend who when I’m feeling
down reminds me that I probably haven’t been to church in a while or that I
should light a candle and spend some time praying. She knows, that even though she doesn’t’
believe there is appositive outcome from a Divine being; there is a measurable
outcome on how I feel. These are not he
atheists I’m talking about.
I mean the ones who have become bigoted in their rant
against eh bigotry of “the church.” They
are often liberal(which I am) gay(which I am) feminist (which I am) and angry
(which I tend not to be, except in Friday traffic.) They have decided that their lives are miserable
as Queer people, because of Church Sanctioned oppression. They
might be, but then mine might be as well.
I don’t find blame in my life for my hardships, except to blame the
idiot friend who suggested another shot, the next morning in a hangover. Or to
blame my most recent ex for breaking my heart and being dishonest while doing it. Hey, I’m working on these things too!
But Yes I find life as a Queer Chicano difficult. Try adding
to that, one who dresses as a woman. No
I don’t feel good knowing that I still can’t get married to the person I might
choose (not that there is anyone right now) in my hometown like I might want.
And yes that hurts me. And yes that hurts
my heart. I know of people who have committed suicide,
because of the pain and suffering in their hearts, from hateful words and angry
epithets they were harboring in their broken hearts. I know there is real pain and suffering because
of some religious people and even some religious institutions.
Let me be clear, insulting people of faith because of the
things other people of faith have done is disgustingly counter-productive, as
well as morally wrong.
I have a friend who
was mugged recently. By a Black man. All black men, therefore are thieves and
only care about hurting others.
I have a friend who
was oppressed recently. By a Catholic Man.
All Catholics are oppressive and only care about subjugation of homosexuals.
How could one of these statements be OK and the other
not?!?!?! I, personally, can’t stomach
the thought of saying either of them with any ounce of belief. When did we as liberals, free thinking, analytical
and rational become so incredibly bigoted? When did we decide it was okay to
just blatantly hate people because of their beliefs, while claiming out
justification was our own experience being hated for our own beliefs, or
sexuality, or body parts, or whatever!?
I never thought that the day would come, over 24 years after
I came out, that I would be ashamed to tell people I’m gay. I’m getting there though. Not because there
is ANYTHNG wrong with being gay, at all. But because I am afraid that others
will think I am like THOSE gays, who are bigots crying for equality and love
and acceptance while throwing bombs of hatred and intolerance.
I am proud of being gay, for now. I am proud of being a
Feminist who has worked at clinics and escorted women, and raised money for
abortions, birth control or other reproductive healthcare costs. I am proud of
being and HIV/AIDS activist and advocate, as well as a Sex educator and condom
distributor. I am proud to be radically
liberal who thinks the Occupy movement had great ideas, who was detained for
protesting ward I disagreed with, for knocking on thousands of doors and making
thousands of phone calls to help elect people who believe in Choice, Equality,
Science based Public Health approaches, Environmental protections, and many
other progressive things.
I am proud of all of those things, as well as being
You are not “smarter” than me because you are not religious.
You are not more moral than I am, because you have
compassion without a faith structure.
You are definitely not more deserving of respect than I,
because you are “free from religion”
If you think so, you should get over yourself, and your
arrogance reeks of false confidence.
So to the Arrogant Atheists out there: Get your shit
together, get over it, and try being nice, try listening before talking, try
calm heads and rational approaches over angry insults and frustrating temper
tantrums. You might change a mind or
two. But at the least, if you can’t be an adult-shut the eff up all
together. I need your rants and raves as
much as I need them from the next guy, I’m not a parent for a reason, whine to
your own.
OK, I get all of that ... but does the same not apply to those morally righteous Catholics (or other religous)?...who choose not to listen to atheist/agnostic. I am atheist -- and I do believe in being a person of honor in what I say, yet because I choose not to believe in a God, somehow I am less in the eyes of the religious? It works both ways, my friend....
OK, I get all of that ... but does the same not apply to those morally righteous Catholics (or other religous)?...who choose not to listen to atheist/agnostic. I am atheist -- and I do believe in being a person of honor in what I say, yet because I choose not to believe in a God, somehow I am less in the eyes of the religious? It works both ways, my friend....
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