Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Quick reflection

I Have started and stopped writing multiple times in the last few days. So many things going on that have my mind reeling about where to go and what do share with the world.
Healthcare reform in the SCOTUS… Big deal for people living with HIV/AIDS for sure.
A book that has be feeling an odd reconnection to my Pagan spirituality.  “A Discover of Witches”
Exciting and promising new relationships made real this coming weekend at PRIDE, with Facebook friends…
And my tickets to DC to see the Quilt, have been purchased and I am on my way soon.

But tonight is the candlelight vigil for the beginning of PRIDE in ABQ.   As always this is a spiritual and important event for me.  I have friends, loved ones, mentors and even opposition in some ways who have come before me to do the work that I am doing now.  I hope the ones that are still here are here for a long long time to come and I hope that the ones who have gone have found peace and rest.
This makes me remember one thing, above else, love. Show love. Give love. Make love. To your enemies and your friends, your family and the strangers.  Love. Be well and be proud…


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