Dancing, Sexy Suits, and independents...
So I'm sorry for not writing in a while, I've been busy.
For those of you who don't know already Equality New Mexico is having a FABULOUS event this Saturday. Our first annual Equality Ball, It will be wonderful. Tickets for the dinner and program are already done being sold but one can come for the dance at 9:30 for $25. It is going to be a great party and you get to see me in my fabulous new outfit, which I must say, SEXY!!!
Now the reason I had the inspiration to blog tonight...
Jim Spiri
Yes this is in fact a man running for congress, and that is in fact his real website. I went to the Democracy for New Mexico Meeting tonight, to work as an organizer and get postcards sent to Senator Bingaman and Representative Wilson about environmental issues(For the League of Conservation Voters), and I was lucky enough to hear Attorney General Madrid Speak!
This was the first I learned of this man Jim Spiri. As you all already know Patsy Madrid (one of my FAVOURITE elected officials AND favourite WOMEN in New Mexico is challenging the evil horrible disgusting Heather Wilson for the congressional seat here in New Mexico. Its exciting because this is going to be a fierce race, two seasoned politicians, women, passionate and aggressive. My money is on Patsy regardless of who I WANT to win, but that's not really possible, its because I'm DYING to be represented by a REAL Democrat!!! (we'll talk senate another day. *glare*)
So Patsy gives her great stump speech, then allows for questions. Jim Spiri stands up, introduces himself as the independent candidate that was left out of the picture, then asks Patsy about her Iraq stance and her exact plan...
Well Patsy was smart and on it, but this isn't about her anyway. Its about my anger at this mans arrogance and ridiculousness...
After a few other speakers, when Patsy was gone, Mr. Spiri was allowed to stand up and speak a bit. He immediately started assuming that we would all support him being on the ballot because of Math. Then he used his two fingers (I'm not sure how to explain it, but also, I didn't get the illustration either) to explain the race between Patsy and Heather. Then said it only made sense that he would draw from Heather's base, and not Patsy's. So we as Democrats should sign his petition to be on the ballot.
Well I decided to ask a question, and this is where I made my mistake, but it was a TINY one.
I assumed after he talked about being a veteran, having a plan for the war withdrawal, etc.. That he was anti-war. I said "I know you said this is about Math, but also its about Politics. How as an anti-war candidate are you thinking you're going to draw votes from the right not the left?"
His response: "Well you are assuming I'm anti-war I never said I was. Don't assume anything!"
Marshall: "Well then, how sir, can you say you think you will be taking votes from the republicans and not from the democrats? And be as specific as you can. Thank you"
Jim said:
"Number one, who I am. Number two where I'm from. Number three four and five, What I've done. Number six, you get the point. The reality is, republicans will not vote for a Democrat, but they'll vote for an independent."
He kept mentioning that they teach you Math in Las Cruces, no offense to my Baby Sister who is graduating next month from Las Cruces high, or my friends who teach in LC public Schools, but I want more than a math class at a Cruces High School to make my political analysis...
1.) Republicans don't break ranks for ANYTHING. That's the reality, the Christian Right doesn't get everything they want from every Republican (except Rick Santorum) but they back them. They as a party March Lockstep with their party. Even Log Cabin Republicans, the Gay Ones ( I don't get them either...) end up voting for republicans with Anti-Gay records despite the organization not endorsing them. (the Organization never endorses Democrats, and I praise their efforts anyway, they are doing God's work, but only parts of it I think...)
2.) A third party in this race will only detract press attention form Heather's voting record (confirmed by Laura Bush in her visit recently as a consistent reliable conservative, voting 90% of the time with the President!) and Patsy's great progressive record, Endorsed by EMILY'S List, as well as many other organizations. As a Pro-Choice, Pro Gay Rights, Pro Environment, Pro Consumer, Pro healthcare Democrat we need the people to hear about her, not this guys Iraq experience (through Haliburton of all things)
3.) You can't expect people to take you seriously if you chastise and lecture them when they are asking you questions... This is grassroots politics, retail politics as Bill Clinton called it. Talk to people, LISTEN to people, Treat people nicely, and even if they are not supporting you, thank them for their time. Its not rocket science, Maybe he should have taken a class in Manners and Public discourse instead of focusing all his energy on MATH!
4.) You came to a meeting, Sir Spiri, to ask people to support you in getting on the ballot, but brought no clipboards, signature sheets, or information about yourself. You're refusing to take money from anyone (I can't imagine why, I'm sure people are lining up to write you checks, I certainly am...) and you have a lousy website. You're going to run a campaign for congress entirely on your personal cell phone?
A friend of mine always is the voice of caution when the GLBT community leaders are talking about legislative/political strategies. He always says "alright folks if we're going to do this, we have to work our asses off to do it right. This isn't like Hey kids, let's have a show and then we put on a puppet show behind the living room couch..."
HEY Jim if you're going to do this, do it right. Don't put your puppets up behind the couch:
Mr. Math Matters, Mrs. Don't Assume, Mr. Cell Phone... And Let's not forget the very important Sock Puppet:
My vote and support is still behind Patsy and yours should be too!!!
Patricia Madrid for Congress
For those of you who don't know already Equality New Mexico is having a FABULOUS event this Saturday. Our first annual Equality Ball, It will be wonderful. Tickets for the dinner and program are already done being sold but one can come for the dance at 9:30 for $25. It is going to be a great party and you get to see me in my fabulous new outfit, which I must say, SEXY!!!
Now the reason I had the inspiration to blog tonight...
Jim Spiri
Yes this is in fact a man running for congress, and that is in fact his real website. I went to the Democracy for New Mexico Meeting tonight, to work as an organizer and get postcards sent to Senator Bingaman and Representative Wilson about environmental issues(For the League of Conservation Voters), and I was lucky enough to hear Attorney General Madrid Speak!
This was the first I learned of this man Jim Spiri. As you all already know Patsy Madrid (one of my FAVOURITE elected officials AND favourite WOMEN in New Mexico is challenging the evil horrible disgusting Heather Wilson for the congressional seat here in New Mexico. Its exciting because this is going to be a fierce race, two seasoned politicians, women, passionate and aggressive. My money is on Patsy regardless of who I WANT to win, but that's not really possible, its because I'm DYING to be represented by a REAL Democrat!!! (we'll talk senate another day. *glare*)
So Patsy gives her great stump speech, then allows for questions. Jim Spiri stands up, introduces himself as the independent candidate that was left out of the picture, then asks Patsy about her Iraq stance and her exact plan...
Well Patsy was smart and on it, but this isn't about her anyway. Its about my anger at this mans arrogance and ridiculousness...
After a few other speakers, when Patsy was gone, Mr. Spiri was allowed to stand up and speak a bit. He immediately started assuming that we would all support him being on the ballot because of Math. Then he used his two fingers (I'm not sure how to explain it, but also, I didn't get the illustration either) to explain the race between Patsy and Heather. Then said it only made sense that he would draw from Heather's base, and not Patsy's. So we as Democrats should sign his petition to be on the ballot.
Well I decided to ask a question, and this is where I made my mistake, but it was a TINY one.
I assumed after he talked about being a veteran, having a plan for the war withdrawal, etc.. That he was anti-war. I said "I know you said this is about Math, but also its about Politics. How as an anti-war candidate are you thinking you're going to draw votes from the right not the left?"
His response: "Well you are assuming I'm anti-war I never said I was. Don't assume anything!"
Marshall: "Well then, how sir, can you say you think you will be taking votes from the republicans and not from the democrats? And be as specific as you can. Thank you"
Jim said:
"Number one, who I am. Number two where I'm from. Number three four and five, What I've done. Number six, you get the point. The reality is, republicans will not vote for a Democrat, but they'll vote for an independent."
He kept mentioning that they teach you Math in Las Cruces, no offense to my Baby Sister who is graduating next month from Las Cruces high, or my friends who teach in LC public Schools, but I want more than a math class at a Cruces High School to make my political analysis...
1.) Republicans don't break ranks for ANYTHING. That's the reality, the Christian Right doesn't get everything they want from every Republican (except Rick Santorum) but they back them. They as a party March Lockstep with their party. Even Log Cabin Republicans, the Gay Ones ( I don't get them either...) end up voting for republicans with Anti-Gay records despite the organization not endorsing them. (the Organization never endorses Democrats, and I praise their efforts anyway, they are doing God's work, but only parts of it I think...)
2.) A third party in this race will only detract press attention form Heather's voting record (confirmed by Laura Bush in her visit recently as a consistent reliable conservative, voting 90% of the time with the President!) and Patsy's great progressive record, Endorsed by EMILY'S List, as well as many other organizations. As a Pro-Choice, Pro Gay Rights, Pro Environment, Pro Consumer, Pro healthcare Democrat we need the people to hear about her, not this guys Iraq experience (through Haliburton of all things)
3.) You can't expect people to take you seriously if you chastise and lecture them when they are asking you questions... This is grassroots politics, retail politics as Bill Clinton called it. Talk to people, LISTEN to people, Treat people nicely, and even if they are not supporting you, thank them for their time. Its not rocket science, Maybe he should have taken a class in Manners and Public discourse instead of focusing all his energy on MATH!
4.) You came to a meeting, Sir Spiri, to ask people to support you in getting on the ballot, but brought no clipboards, signature sheets, or information about yourself. You're refusing to take money from anyone (I can't imagine why, I'm sure people are lining up to write you checks, I certainly am...) and you have a lousy website. You're going to run a campaign for congress entirely on your personal cell phone?
A friend of mine always is the voice of caution when the GLBT community leaders are talking about legislative/political strategies. He always says "alright folks if we're going to do this, we have to work our asses off to do it right. This isn't like Hey kids, let's have a show and then we put on a puppet show behind the living room couch..."
HEY Jim if you're going to do this, do it right. Don't put your puppets up behind the couch:
Mr. Math Matters, Mrs. Don't Assume, Mr. Cell Phone... And Let's not forget the very important Sock Puppet:
My vote and support is still behind Patsy and yours should be too!!!
Patricia Madrid for Congress
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