I told you so... Simply... I told you so...
"You Can't Govern if You Don't Win"
You ever wake up in the morning, look outside an it appears sunny, and its warm in your place, and so you put on a t shirt, jeans, and flip-flops to walk outside, finding immediately it is about 50 degrees and your teeth are chattering before you hit the mailbox?
I think this is what's happening to Democrats lately...
I wrote about the convention yesterday, and promised coverage of the backlash... Here it is folks!!!
After working tirelessly on the party platform of which I'm pretty proud, we sent it to the floor of the convention for a vote. And of course, the process allows for floor amendments to be passed with 2/3 approval by the delegates.
The amendment was offered by a person, who attended the Platform Committee meeting, and heard all the arguments against putting this in the platform.
Among these concerns, the media taking it out of hand. Congressional candidates having to then take a position on record about impeachment. The other issues, would be drowned out by the media attention on impeachment. Oh and did I mention media fall out?
The point of a platform, as was stated yesterday, is to show the party's stance on issues. Declare the changes we want to make for the world, and how we intend to make America and New Mexico a better place. Now I'm not saying that Impeachment won't make the country a better place (though we'd have to impeach a lot of people to get a democrat in charge, and that's TRULY what would make things better...)
But I'm saying now, like I did then that I don't think this is a platform issue. Wire tapping, Choice, environmentalism, these are things you talk about in the platform. Impeachment was a bad idea...
So we had the amendment offered from the floor, and approved by a 2/3 vote of the delegates...
The first thing I hear about today is the news in the ABQ Journal, "NM Democrats call for impeachment in platform."
Following that title is an entire article about the platform, focusing solely on the impeachment article of the platform, and candidates like Patricia Madrid and Jeff Bingaman being put on the spot to take a stand.
So who was right on? Not really just me, I'm not interested in that, but maybe those of us who are paying a little closer attention to the weather outside, rather than running out with a tshirt on into winter weather that's masked with sun!!
So here we go... We had a chance to make it out of the convention with a clear, concise, united front presented on eh issues and how democrats do it better...
Instead we got this, and in all of it, we didn't even treat eachother very nicely...
You ever wake up in the morning, look outside an it appears sunny, and its warm in your place, and so you put on a t shirt, jeans, and flip-flops to walk outside, finding immediately it is about 50 degrees and your teeth are chattering before you hit the mailbox?
I think this is what's happening to Democrats lately...
I wrote about the convention yesterday, and promised coverage of the backlash... Here it is folks!!!
After working tirelessly on the party platform of which I'm pretty proud, we sent it to the floor of the convention for a vote. And of course, the process allows for floor amendments to be passed with 2/3 approval by the delegates.
The amendment was offered by a person, who attended the Platform Committee meeting, and heard all the arguments against putting this in the platform.
Among these concerns, the media taking it out of hand. Congressional candidates having to then take a position on record about impeachment. The other issues, would be drowned out by the media attention on impeachment. Oh and did I mention media fall out?
The point of a platform, as was stated yesterday, is to show the party's stance on issues. Declare the changes we want to make for the world, and how we intend to make America and New Mexico a better place. Now I'm not saying that Impeachment won't make the country a better place (though we'd have to impeach a lot of people to get a democrat in charge, and that's TRULY what would make things better...)
But I'm saying now, like I did then that I don't think this is a platform issue. Wire tapping, Choice, environmentalism, these are things you talk about in the platform. Impeachment was a bad idea...
So we had the amendment offered from the floor, and approved by a 2/3 vote of the delegates...
The first thing I hear about today is the news in the ABQ Journal, "NM Democrats call for impeachment in platform."
Following that title is an entire article about the platform, focusing solely on the impeachment article of the platform, and candidates like Patricia Madrid and Jeff Bingaman being put on the spot to take a stand.
So who was right on? Not really just me, I'm not interested in that, but maybe those of us who are paying a little closer attention to the weather outside, rather than running out with a tshirt on into winter weather that's masked with sun!!
So here we go... We had a chance to make it out of the convention with a clear, concise, united front presented on eh issues and how democrats do it better...
Instead we got this, and in all of it, we didn't even treat eachother very nicely...
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