Friday, March 31, 2006

Took a Break

Well I took a week off. Sorry about that folks!!!

Its been a good week, exciting politically, wish I could talk about it a little more. Sometimes the joy of working in politics is the dirty little secrets we get to know about. Yes, they really are secrets, and sometimes really are dirty...

Immigration Reform has been on my mind a lot lately. Living here in the border area, it strikes me as horrifying that we interact with immigrants almost daily and as a population have this animosity towards them that is incredibly inhumane.

I was asked recently by a friend's husband to give him 5 reasons to vote for democrats rather than republicans.
I told him I'd get back to him on that...

But I think the first reason is compassion. But let's nto be confused, don't think I'm proud of all the Democrats on this issue, nor am proud of them all on all the other issues.. But at least my party is more likely to approach things with compassion.

Did you know? California has the 5th largest economy in the world, and over 40% of that economy RELIES on Immigrant, undocumented specifically, in order to function. What would it do to the American Economy if we threw them all back?

I'm not saying, necessarily, open the borders and let anyone pass through that wants to. But Immigration Reform needs to be humanitarian in nature. Al the aruguements for and against have been made on this issue. But the emotional parts are being left out. Lets try to get together as a nation and figure out how to protect our borders without beingso cruel.

And Mr Bush, Slavery is wrong. Yes it is. I thought we decided that years ago, this ridiculous Guest worker program, allowing immigrants to come over, not be a part of the system, but work for three years, and then send them back home, not okay.

These are people
Nadie que es Humano Puede Ser Ilegal


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