OK OK I'll Continue
So After multiple comments about my cliff-hanger ending last night I decided to go on a bit further.
So after rushing to the hotel room to drop off new clothes I had bought, quickly fussing with my hair, my make up, my clothes, the way my eyebrows were laying, and fuck even which pocket to put my phone into ( I was obsessing a bit much about impressing him) We headed off to meet him in Dupont.
When we walked up to him, next to that fountain in Dupont Circle, I thought I was going to die. He was every bit as gorgeous as when he left the country, more so because it had been so long since I'd seen him...
Dinner was nerve wracking, beyond belief... I had to order a glass of wine right away to lose the nerves. He doesn't drink wine much so he let me order a glass for him. He really liked what I picked out, so did I matter of factly...
We chatted, dinner was amazing, even though A-Game didn't do her job on the re-con...
(Yes we have introduced a new character, A-Game. She is a friend of mine who has been around for many many years, doing Choice work especially, as well as College Dems and others. She ALWAYS brings her A-Game even when there isn't a good reason to battle. Hence the name... I love her dearly....)
She tried apparently, while I was outside on the phone to get the skinny on Galan, but was unsuccessful...
Dinner had ended and we were saying our goodbyes, I asked Galan to take us out for some drinks, my favorite bar, and he said he would. He needed to go home and shower, and change and he would meet us in Dupont.
It was raining hard outside of Kramer Books where we ate dinner, and Galan ran off to the metro and A-Game went inside to buy books. Galan called and asked if he could crash in the room with us because he wouldn't be able to take the metro home after the club, i was beyond excited and said of course( No I didn't ask A-Game, she did it to me in DC once before...)
So I went into Kramer and happened across some books she was looking at. They are called "A Short Introduction," they are a series of small books that are essentially the basics of whatever topic you want to get...So I purchased two: Politics and Political Parties and Elections in America.
Galan and I had had a conversation, many months ago about how intimidated we were by each other. I felt he would think I was too preppy, nerdy, White-washed, and boring and he always felt like I would think he was stupid cause he didn't go to college and didn't really understand politics. I decided if we were going to get over those nerves, I was going to have to take responsibility for that.
So when we got back to the room, I began drafting the inscription in the book. It took 12 tries to get it right. Meanwhile I waited patiently for Galan to call and let us know what time to meet him back in Dupont.
Then the phone rang...
He called to say he was too tired to go out, and he felt like if he did he wouldn't be any fun. I knew i never shoulda bought him ONE glad of wine... I felt really sad, disappointed. I thought I had expected this but, I wasn't at all prepared. I was crushed...
I did what I knew I was supposed to, I called Black Squirrel and told him to come have a few beers in our room then we were all going to the Drag show!
And I set the Political Parties and Elections book-freshly inscribed- on the desk to get ready. I was going to have a good time and no one would stop me!

As we were getting ready to leave for the club I got a text message that said "I swear I want to hang out with you, don't think it's that. Just really tired and I wanna be a good time for you. I swear I'll see you tomorrow night, what you wanna do is up to you!"
I thought there was no way It would really happen, and the result was that I was just going to have to get over him for good...
Once in the bar, we ordered three shot of tequila and the night took off. I never looked back... Much...
Yep I'm doing it again. More tomorrow. G'nite
. . . bittersweet.
And we always look back, even when we don't admit it to ourselves.
More, please.
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