So Much for Resolve

Anyone who knows me at all knows already that I had a blast in DC this weekend! Here I am just taking the escalator up and into the city, ready to go for dinner the first night I was there… This is when things just went out of control…
What is a resolution made for, if not to be broken? I mean “I will not drink at all in the new year” is always followed with a glass of wine, or a shot of tequila.
So We are introducing a new Character to the life and times of M&M…
We’ll call him, Galan. Galan, for those of you who don’t know, or for those of you who understand it to be something different, is a Spanish slang word in my community that refers to an attractive/sexy man.
It’s important to know we are not introducing him to my life, but rather to the story as it is documented here.
He and I have a history, a LOOONG one. For many years I’ve honestly thought he could be the guy I spent the rest of my life with. I don’t know him well enough to know that for sure, but I wonder. I had finally gotten over him, when he left NM the last time. So of course, I was thinking that he was one of those many men that I was going to get over when I went outta town for a weekend and started over upon returning home. Life was fine, the trip out there was smooth, we landed on time checked in, showered, and went shopping for a few hours. Amazing.
Upon walking out of the escalator heading back to the hotel to drop of bags and such I got a text message. I had told Galan weeks ago I was going out there, and since he never responded I assumed that he wasn’t interested in hanging out. Imagine my shock, and excitement when I got that text…
I called him right away. Told him he was meeting us for dinner, and we would see him in 30 minutes.
And because I can’t keep my eyes open any longer, I will leave it at that one for now…
I have a Galan in my life for whom I will always break that resolution to never be in contact again.
I can't resist the temptation.
Some of these heart aches will be carried around inside you for the rest of your life, no matter how much closure you achieve, especially when he could've been THE ONE.
gah...cliffhanger much? Who sleeps????
Eeeeee!!!! I wanna hear the rest of the story. And I second Berra's comment. Sleeping is lame!
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