Thursday, October 05, 2006

safer schools?

So the Trib headline today was not unexpected. “APS Police seek guns 24/7”

I can’t help thinking, I saw this coming. In light of recent school shootings, APS officers want to be able to have their guns on their persons at all times. Current policy permits them to carry them before and after classes are in session, during the school day though they have to keep their guns locked in gun safes, in the trunks of their cars. They want the school board to re-evaluate their policy on this issue.

I for one cannot understand how people all think that having guns available at all places all the time is going to solve these problems. I am reminded of one of my favorite episodes of the West Wing. The President, and others on his staff are shot at a rally one night. A few days later CJ, the press secretary, is giving a briefing. She points out how many other Americans were wounded or shot in gun related incidents that night. And that if anyone thinks having guns in their homes will stop that, the secret service was armed to the hilt and they still didn’t stop the President and others from being shot.

I am not saying I oppose gun ownership, as I really do support the public basic right to own a gun. (There are lots of caveats on that.)

But what good can a police officer with a gun on campus really do? Are they guaranteed to be near the shooter/violent offender? Is there any evidence that cops with guns on campus decrease violence on campuses?
What is to prevent the police officers from using their power in such a horribly volatile environment, for bad things?

How long will it take before a student is reaching for an ID, or water bottle,a nd gets shot by a police officer, in a hallway?
What will happen to the idea of school safety then?

Just questions….


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