Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Speak Out

I am going to sound a bit twisted with this. I don’t mind that, and I bet that if you read until the end you’ll understand my logic.

I was blessed to grow up with some extremely strong, courageous women in my life. My mother, Grandmother, and Aunts were all great influences on my life. I learned from them, though they are not politically active, that if we believe in something we should really stand up for it.

So there is this organization called Justice for All, (I warn you now that checking out their website might be disturbing) that travels to college campuses with these huge pictures they claim are of “aborted fetuses” trying to convince young women that abortion is a bad choice for them to make.

I am excited that they are coming back. This is the part where people will think I’m crazy, or twisted, or run to my profile to find out if they’ve missed the fact that I’m anti choice. I’m not! I’m as pro choice as it gets, huge feminist, and proud of it. Why then am I glad that they are coming?
Well I think the organization has a screwed mission, and that they are really disgusting in many ways.
But they will serve a great purpose, and I wish there was another way to serve this purpose on campus and in my community.
Many of my friends are Pro-choice in theory, but they are not reminded on a daily basis of how organized, and radical the Anti-choice movement is. This is how it happens, NM has a great progressive Legislature, a good governor, and pretty good libertarian views as a statewide society. But the Right, the anti choice agenda is mobilized here, quietly, and they are building, (its like owning the purple Australia and Papua New Guinea in a RISK game, never attacking anyone, just building up, and building up…) and at some point they will be poised for an attack beyond our expectation, and we as a pro choice majority will be caught off guard, once again letting the vocal minority win a battle.

This exhibit of sensationalized ridiculousness will be helpful in motivating pro choice folks everywhere in ABQ that the Radical Anti Choicer are this horrible. They are this bad. They do want this badly to take our rights away as a society.

And so, I am looking forward to the protests, the conversations, the dialogue, and the sign ups. I am looking forward to this effort to remind women how hard the battle for Reproductive Justice is, and why we have fought it.

I may blog occasionally about this, but in the meanwhile, I’m hoping many people reading this will email me, or contact me through this blog, just to remind me, how pro choice we are! Its worth stating, just once even, even just to me!!!



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