Tuesday, September 05, 2006

My CoWorkers

Well I had a great trip to Detroit this weekend; I’ve never experienced such a beautiful wedding ceremony, and such an amazing family. Embracing love, between two women, and loving them unconditionally was amazing to see. Maybe later in the week, I’ll take some time to share pictures from the trip, and a few stories.

But for now, I was scratching my head, and talking to my friend Michelle, about how I had no idea what to write about, because the Wedding wasn’t political enough. Then I signed off the chat window, to go to our staff meeting, and had my inspiration…

The League of Conservation Voters, is a 501(c)4  running an independent expenditure campaign to elect Patricia Madrid in this congressional race.  This, in short, means we are not allowed to cooperate at all with the Madrid campaign, but we will be highly instrumental in getting her elected.  

And the staff here is wonderful, so I think I’ll tell you all a little bit about us, and what we’re doing, in hopes, that if nothing else, you’ll consider helping us out a few times before Election day.

Maggie Toulouse, our state director, has a long history of political work.  She has worked on campaigns ranging from the Governing Board of TVI, (now CNM) to city council, to mayor, senator, and presidential races. She was the state director here at LCV in 2004 when we were responsible for securing a victory for John Kerry in Bernalillo county. Maggie is a pleasure to work for/with, hates it when I call her “boss lady”, and couldn’t be replaced for anything. This woman will lead us boldly and strategically into victory for this race, no questions about it.

Mario Montoya, our Canvass director, is an amazing guy. He is a blast to work with, constantly entertaining the office, with among other, my favorite quote from our quote board:
Rachel: how do you spell Irresistible?
Mario: M-A-R-I-O
Mario had a great ability to use his instincts, listen to suggestions from others, and above all, be a leader, to make sure our paid organizers are getting the job done, and in the most efficient way.  Mario makes the office a fun place, and mixed in with his ability to be the guy in charge, in a straight to business, but fun way, the staff loves him, and clearly loves working here.

Dustin, one of 6 paid organizers, is a great guy to work with. Dustin gets into the office early everyday, doing a good job of demonstrating his commitment to the office, the staff, and the race. Dustin has worked with LCV on and off for a number of years now, and is our Rockstar Canvasser, always getting to every door in his packet, talking to as many people as possible, and doing so with a smile on his face, and no complaints in the office.  Dustin is fun to work with, and proud to have recently started college.

Graham, another organizer, recently graduated with a peace studies degree, and is excited to learn and practice his organizing skills. Graham walks in daily, ready to work, and constantly questioning things to learn more.  

JoAnn, a long time organizer, is trying her hand for the first time at door-to-door canvassing, learning increasingly about targeting certain voters, and how these elections are won.

Mahad, another organizer, has worked for a long time in progressive politics, and with his excitement about using art as well to mobilize volunteers and voters, is a pleasure to work with.  Mahad makes the office fun, and interesting.

Rachel, organizing for the first time, brings witty commentary, and light hearted fun to the office.  The LCV office is definitely a better environment because Rachel is here.

Terra, an organizer who will be leaving us soon to return to Eugene, Oregon for school, is a bubbly, happy, exciting addition to our office. Terra is here on time everyday, excited to assist me with me volunteer tasks.  Terra will be sorely missed when she leaves, and in the meanwhile she is so much fun to work with.

Travis, a friend of mine, who was recently hired to help us out, is just starting his political career. This young man is excited and energetic, enthusiastic to do the work necessary to elect Patsy, and always fun to debate policies with, as we are able to watch him grow politically, daily.

I’m the volunteer coordinator here in the office, my job is to recruit, maintain, and keep our volunteers and volunteer database.  This is a great job, and I love to do it. If you should decide to come in to volunteer, I’m the guy you get to hang out with…

We go out canvassing Monday through Thursday, 3pm and Saturdays at 10am.  We knock on doors of people likely to vote for, or completely undecided on, the race between Patricia Madrid, and Heather Wilson.
We make phone calls to voters and volunteers every Saturday at 10:30am, and Monday Through Thursday at 5:00pm.

I am excited to have this job, and looking forward to November 7th, when we win this election.

I hope this little intro to the staff (photos, to follow) will motivate you much more to come in the doors and check out our office, our staff, and help us win this election.  


Blogger Unknown said...

hi from mexico

5:50 PM  

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