Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Part two

So After having come to such conclusion about Christianity and Catholicism in specific, and knowing already what I do about Pagan belief systems, I started thinking about the same concepts in this spiritual path and what they meant to me.
I like the idea of A Goddess.  Sure, there are a thousand deities, Goddesses, version or avatars of said Divine Being that can be called upon.  I like the idea of being a Child of Hera, the Queens of the Greek Gods.  Or a warrior of Sekhmet, the Egyptian goddess of revenge but more importantly justice.  Or knowing that Gaia was the original Mother Nature/Earth, or that the trees flowers and water surrounding my favorite reading/meditation place are actually Faeries or Nymphs, who are calling to me sweetly to remind me they are embracing me in love and light from the mother of all things.  It’s a much more comforting image to have, and really isn’t spirituality about comfort and faith, trust and love and the feeling of happiness is difficult times?

The basic rule of such a lifestyle and spiritual path is simple.  Cause harm to none! I like that rule! It’s easy, I’ve always hoped that was the way I lived my life anyway!  This just makes it a religious obligation, which is an easy one to follow!  So what’s the harm, so to speak, with this mentality?
And lastly, I love the idea that my belief in the after-death options can change with time.  Who knows what really happens after that, but I’d like to think I have my entire life to continue to grow and develop such a mindset, and decision.   In fact, truly in my heart, I think we get to decide what happens to us after we die, but I want all the time I can get to make that decision.  I absolutely reject the notion that good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell, and even more so that a single book, or set of ideas can determine what is good and evil. 
So here I am. In a completely different world spiritually, and ten times Happier, it seems.
I’m always had a talent for making things happen a little with my mind, déjà vu is highly common for me, and I seem to get feelings about things long before I am told about them, I just never really talked about it to anyone. I now embrace these things, and my belief system gives me the pride to feel good about it. 
I didn’t tell my dad that I had made this complete conversation, honestly I’m afraid he would’ve had a heart attack on our mostly nice short lunch excursion, and I didn’t’ wanna risk it. But I look forward to the day that these things are in the open between us, and everyone else in my life too. 
I still pray the rosary, regularly. The Virgin Mary is just as good of a representation of the Goddess as Hera, and Sekhmet, and a candle or a flowering plant are to me.  I will still attend Mass occasionally, the ambiance and the lessons aren’t bad ones, on the contrary they teach us things that are important. 
I just have more candles, and incense of my won at home.  I pray in a different manner, I see living things in a different way, and I think differently about the herbs I cut and dry to put in my food or the intentions behind my day to day (ok week to week) tasks such as sweeping, cleaning the living room or putting away clothes and things.
These things make me crazy, or weird, or whatever, to other people.  But that’s not my concern.  After many many years of struggling with my ideology politically, and my spirituality I have found a place I can call home.  Easy stuff. And as the conversations come up a little more with friends around me, they are much easier and simpler and anti-climactic than I thought they would be. 
My boyfriend is a witch. My best friend is hunting for spiritual items for ritual for me for Christmas, and my ex boyfriend seems to be more and more interested in the in and outs of it all every time we talk.
So I hope that this inspires someone out there to investigate their own spiritual path, and consider what The Divine looks like to them.  Maybe it’s in the very beautiful and large crucifix sculpted atop the alter at your Church, or in the simple wooden box at the center of your temple.  Maybe it’s just like my friends Goddess Statue, no face, no characteristics, and no ethnicity just a woman in wood with arms hugging a world.  Or maybe, it’s in the flower you stopped to smell this morning on the way to the Bus Stop.  Whatever it is, explore it. Stretch your mind to it. And embrace it!


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