Tuesday, June 27, 2006


So I have taken a long break form writing. I’m making a new resolution about myself.  Its no secret that I someday want to run for office. And I think I need to start acting that way. By August 9 I’m going to have my finances, living situation, employment, school, and family life all figured out, organized and ready to start building my campaign. For what? Who knows. When? Who knows. But it’s a start. (maybe I’ll do all my laundry this weekend just to get going on it all)

Anyway I had a very exciting lunch today, with a friend of mine who I met recently though my sex ed work.  She isn’t going to stay involved in that but mostly because it’s a mess and doesn’t need to be doing it. I understand that, and we’ll see how long I stick around, I don’t have much patience for things that aren’t well organized unless folks are willing to make that happen.

Anyway, she and her husband are starting something very exciting!!!  Changing building codes.  Why is this exciting? I’m not sure I understand it but I know this much.  Buildings use something like 50% of the energy in this country.  And something like 60% of that can be saved by changing the way a building site is determined, and the window structure (not the TYPES of windows, but where they are,) as well as the placement of sky lights and other things.  Its very exciting. I mean, ok, the details are probably very mundane, the key is we can be cutting the use of energy in this state, and others but tons, literally TONS if we were to do this.  Keep an eye out for this thing, but for now they are, rightly so, keeping stuff VERY low key!

Also, exciting, details to come, there are people in the state talking, finally, about getting young people elected to office.  It’s a great idea.  Hmmm…

There will be strategic planning on sex ed stuff next week, it will be great.

Well I may not be blogging for a few days, I know, big surprise, but I’m headed to Alamogordo this weekend, and part of my weekend will be spent helping people rebuild after the floods last week. Let’s hope God gives them some help too…

Keep in touch kids, let me know what is on your mind so I’ll have new topics to blog about.


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