Saturday, October 22, 2005


So I've been kinda going out with this guy lately, and he said something to me recently that made me think a little bit. (that happens a lot, with everyone, they say things that make me think) So he says, "I bet you would be a great political columnist someday if you wanted." I thought about it, and was like wow. See it started a spiral of thoughts in my head. I'm actually thinking about Graduate school lately, which for people who know me, is insane. I hate school, have always hated school, and really more so in college where its all theory and discussion, where's the ACTION. But it occurred to me, if nothing else, I will be one more Chicano Queer with letters behind my name, so why not? And then I was like, great, well I need to fix a few skills, and one of them is writing. So I'm going to try to write more concisely, argumentatively, and clearly on here from now on, although at times, it'll be about me ranting. And maybe in the meanwhile I'll develope enough skill to be a political columnist for a local paper or something.


I went to see "The Most Fabulous Story Ever Told" last night. It was an amazing show.

This is a review of it, performed elsewhere, but the important part is the plot of the show not the actors here. (Altough ADAM was really hot, and the opening scenes they are nude, fully)

This play was amazing. I had the wrong idea of it when i first went to see it. I was under the impression it was the passion of hte Christ with gay characters, but no its the history of the world, its the entire old testament with Adam and Steve, and then Jane and Mabel. The story follows then after ADAM makes a decision to leave the garden, throughout the old testament and into modern times.

There was a message constantly of whther or not there is a possiblity of God to exist, and why people have faith in God, and such. The last scene made me cry, and it summed up how I feel about God and Religion at this time in my life, (see "catholic" further down)

Everyone keeps talking about how Adam beleives in God and turns to God because it is easy, and Adam replies no because it is hard. Thats how I feel. There is this feeling inside me that says there has to be a God, things don't all happen because of me, nor do they all happen because of God, but rather they happen because we work together to make them happen.

This entry was a little less than eloquent because I tried writing it over the last few days. I've been distracted easily.


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